The Trump Administration Is Going After Our Elections Too

Slate:  “...the acting director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency sent a memo to all agency staff notifying them that “all election security activities” would be paused pending the results of an internal investigation. The memo also stated that the administration was cutting off all funds to the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center—a Department of Homeland Security–funded organization that helps state and local officials monitor, analyze, and respond to cyberattacks targeting the nation’s election hardware and software."

How Trump, GOP Fixed 2026 — Yes, 2026

The Republican plan is to win next year’s election this year. Yes, the voting will be bent, jacked and hammered this year, 2025, one year before the official voting. Because this is the year of The Great Purge.

And if The Great Purge doesn’t do the trick, Republicans are ramping up other vote suppression tactics they rolled out to win 2024, including a private army of MAGA-nauts who challenged over a million voters’ ballots in 2024 and plan on way more by the 2026 midterm.

Suffolk County is voting Tuesday on getting touchscreen voting machines. PLEASE MAKE CALLS

Suffolk County is moving forward with the 34 million dollar purchase of ExpressVote XL voting machines despite the fact that there has been no competitive bidding process as they promised there would be. 

The vote is Tuesday. Please call Suffolk County and urge them to vote no on Appropriations 1026. The general number is 631-853-4070.

Election officials blast Trump’s ‘retreat’ from protecting voting against foreign threats

Stateline: "“The administration is shuttering the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force and last week cut more than 100 positions at the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency…"Trump is making it easier for foreign adversaries to attack our elections and our democracy,” Griswold said in an interview. “He incites all this violence, he has attacked our election system, and now he is using the federal government to weaken us.””

Dismantling of federal efforts to monitor election interference creates opening for foreign meddling

APNews: "The actions send a message that securing U.S. elections against interference from countries such as Russia, China and Iran is no longer a federal government priority, said Larry Norden, an election expert with the Brennan Center for Justice.“I think we would be naive to think that the bad guys don’t get that message, too, that there’s going to be less of a cop on the beat to protect our elections,” he said.”

The GOP Taliban to Women: Shut Up, Sit Down, and Stay Home on Election Days

The Hartmann Report: “.. since the Dobbs decision striking down Roe v Wade protections for women’s right to abortion ..., the blowback against Republicans by women has concerned the party’s elders.,,In response, they’ve put forward the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act which would specifically outlaw voter registration by an estimated third (and perhaps two-thirds) of all American women...every  married woman in America who’s taken her husband’s name without going through a formal court process to legalize the name change, will have to go through that cumbersome and expensive process to get a certificate that will allow her to vote. And living in a Blue state won’t help; this is federal legislation….The Republican assault on women's voting rights isn’t just a threat — it’s already underway. Stand up, speak out, and fight back: call your representatives, rally your community, and make sure they know we will not allow women’s voices or votes to be erased."

State election officials wonder why U.S. cybersecurity agency skipped their meetings

VoteBeat: "Last week, the Trump administration placed at least seven CISA employees who work on combating foreign disinformation within the election security arm of the agency on administrative leave...Cohen, the NASED director, said that cyber and physical security remains a top concern for election officials….“It is concerning that they are not here,” she said.”

USB Hacker Tool Could Change Virtually Any Election Results, Given Access

Ray Lutz: “...we must ASSUME that any central tabulators can be subverted, and thus audits are essential….Audits are absolutely necessary. Election experts agree that such manipulation is possible and stress the need for paper records to verify machine counts. However, these records are effective only if thoroughly reviewed.”

COMMENT:  Paper ballots to verify machine counts are now used in New York, but many New Yorkers (including New York City)  will soon be voting on the touchscreen ES&S Expressvote XL if the New York State legislature doesn’t act to preserve our right to vote on paper ballots. Demand that  your state legislator support  the Voting Integrity and Verification Act of NY (VIVA NY). Even with paper ballots, our audits are woefully inadequate to find fraud or machine malfunction.  Support the  COUNT EVERY VOTE ACT (CEVA) to close loopholes in the close vote margin bill.

The SAVE Act Would Disenfranchise Millions of Citizens

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act has been reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation would require all Americans to prove their citizenship status by presenting documentation—in person—when registering to vote or updating their voter registration information. Specifically, the legislation would require the vast majority of Americans to rely on a passport or birth certificate to prove their citizenship.

While this may sound easy for many Americans, the reality is that more than 140 million American citizens do not possess a passport and as many as 69 million women who have taken their spouse’s name do not have a birth certificate matching their legal name.

NY Voting Rights Act doesn't violate Constitution, appellate court rules

Times Union:  NY Voting Rights Act doesn't violate Constitution, appellate court rules “Race-based districting is only one of the possible remedies under (the law),” the decision said. “The (law) also contemplates remedies that do not sort voters based on race, such as ranked-choice voting, cumulative voting, limited voting and the elimination of staggered terms.”

Chinese parts, hidden ownership, growing scrutiny: Inside America's biggest maker of voting machines

In the run up to the 2024 election, amid all the noise of the horse race, there was almost no coverage of the condition of the track.  Who owns the voting machine companies?  Are the Russian hackers still in the voter rolls? Did Dominion patch its security holes after MAGA operatives stole their election systems software and equipment in GA and MI?  And the big question, why did the media go silent on election security in the run up to this all important election?   And why are Democrats and opinion leaders so adamant in saying how “free, fair, and secure” the 2024 elections were?  Where’s the evidence?

TRUMP LOST. Vote Suppression Won.

Greg Palest: “ suppression cost Kamala Harris no fewer than 3,565,000 votes. Harris would have topped Trump’s official total by 1.2 million. Most important, this 2.3% suppression factor undoubtedly cost Harris the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. If not for the wholesale attack on votes and voters, Harris would have won the election with 286 Electoral votes.”

Politicians, election officials, industry vendors, hedge funds prosper off election insecurities

COMMENT: This is a long dense article from 2018, but is one of the few examinations of ownership of the computerized voting machine companies. 

Update: shortly after the sale of Dominion to Staple Street (manager Hootan Yaghoobzadeh previously of Cerberus Capital), Stephen Feinberg of Cerberus Capital became chair of the Presidents Advisory Board and is now slated to become the second in charge at the Pentagon.  

What Jimmy Carter Worked to Teach Us About Fair Elections

"It is a bitter irony that the election standards President Carter helped establish in so many nations have been ignored in recent years by county and state officials in his beloved home state. Georgia’s elections cannot be considered democratic until these glaring deficiencies are addressed by Georgia officials at both the county and state levels….In 2021, Georgia’s current voting system was assessed by leading voting system cybersecurity experts to be dangerously subject to exploitation and the DHS/CISA (Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency) verified the vulnerabilities in 2022 recommending prompt mitigation for the security design flaws to reduce risks of electronic manipulation. But Georgia officials did not act to heed the grave warnings. “ Coalition for Good Governance

Did Voters—or Vote Suppression—Elect Donald Trump?

…we are working feverishly to get the data to calculate the effect of racist voter suppression trickery on the election’s outcome.  Not unexpectedly, we are getting stonewalled by red-state officials about the number of provisional ballots uncounted (above 42.3% we find from well-hidden data), the number of  mail-in ballots discarded (we know it’s way over two million), and the number of vigilante challenges to legit voters (we’ve counted 852,000 so far).

These Voters Want to ‘Stop the Steal.’ Top Democrats Aren’t Interested.

Note:  Print edition title is  this “Liberal Voters Assert Their Own “Stop the Steal” Claims, Without Much Success”. The online title is slightly better, except they don’t investigate just how and why “top Democrats’ aren’t interested.

Why didn’t they talk to Jacky Singh?  (cybersecurity lead on Biden and Harris campaigns) Or Doug Buell?  Instead they cover Spoonamore who is dedicated but controversial.   

If Less Than 115,000 Votes Had Switched in Three Battleground States, Harris Would Have Beaten Trump

“ The Nation:  If Less Than 115,000 Votes Had Switched in Three Battleground States, Harris Would Have Beaten Trump...Or, if they could had developed strategies to get just 114,884 working-class Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania voters to shift from Trump to Harris, the Democrat would have prevailed.

COMMENT: Or, if they did hand-counted recounts in those states, as requested by leading cybersecurity experts pn November 16,  the official results might reflect how people actually voted. To date, Harris has not requested any hand recounts. Allegra Dengler

Four election vulnerabilities uncovered by a Michigan Engineer

The work of J. Alex Halderman, a professor of computer science and engineering, has made the United States election system more secure—largely by uncovering vulnerabilities in equipment like voting machines and ballot scanners, and by advocating for best practices and technological advances.

Here are some of the key ways Halderman’s work has helped to strengthen election integrity in the U.S.