Ruling: "The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true.” (emphasis in original)"
FBI Suggests Feds Haven't Probed Post-2020 Voting System Breaches by Team Trump: 'BradCast' 3/13/2023
Why hasn't the FBI begun a probe of the multi-state effort, headed up by Trump's then-attorney Sidney Powell, to unlawfully and surreptitiously make copies of voting and tabulation system software in at least four states after the 2020 election? We now know that this happened in Coffee County, Georgia, Mesa County, Colorado, several townships in Michigan, and at least one county in Pennsylvania. We also have evidence that the conspirators planned to breach the election system in Nevada as well.
Los Angeles Times: Are the feds ignoring Trump allies’ multi-state effort to access election systems? Experts raise alarms for 2024
The 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday
From Heather Cox Richardson:
President Joe Biden spoke this afternoon in Selma, Alabama, to commemorate the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, when law enforcement officers tried to beat into silence Black Americans marching for their right to have a say in the government under which they lived. Standing at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, which had been named for a Confederate brigadier general, Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan, and U.S. senator who stood against Black rights, Biden said: “On this bridge, blood was given to help ‘redeem the soul of America.’”
The story of March 7, 1965, commemorated today in Selma, is the story of Americans determined to bring to life the principle articulated in the Declaration of Independence that a government’s claim to authority comes from the consent of the governed. It is also a story of how hard local authorities, entrenched in power and backed by angry white voters, worked to make the hurdles of that process insurmountable.
Fox 'News' in Big Legal Trouble: 'BradCast' 2/20/2023
". Fox lied about election fraud and should be held accountable for that, and Dominion and other voting system vendors have repeatedly failed in American elections. ...By way of fresh evidence to support that charge, we close with details on voting system failures in both New Jersey and California in November of 2022…"
‘A Real and Imminent Threat': Security Experts Warn of Foreign Cyber Threat to 2024
Fox News hosts thought Trump’s election fraud claims were ‘total BS’, court filings show
NJ County Discovers Loser Actually Won After 2022 Computer Mistally
There's a reason I always warn, when reporting election results on The BradCast, that they have only been tallied by computers to date, and that errors in results often do not come to light until days, weeks or even months after elections...if ever. ...there is no way to know for certain either way unless and until results of hand-marked paper ballots are examined by actual human beings
CVIVoter: Vote Machine Tabulation Error Shifts One Local Race In Monmouth After Irregularities Discovered
A friend of mine summarized this voting machine failure:
1. A computerized voting machine system failed to count votes accurately, and, until irregularities in an unrelated issue caused the Board of Elections to launch an internal investigation, nobody knew
2. It was not detected by a post-election audit
3. The discovered error in the voting system changed the result of the election, AFTER it had been certified by the local board and the wrong “winner” took office.
4. The voting machine system in use was the ExpressVote XL – which happens to be a machine that I am trying to persuade people in New York not to certify for use and/or to legislatively prohibit.
Comment: The ESS Expressvote voting machine involved in this miscount is currently under review for certification in New York. Last year the NYS Senate passed a bill to ban this type of voting machine but the Assembly did not vote it out of committee. Let your Assembly member know that you want to protect your vote by mandating hand marked paper ballots that are hand counted in audits and close vote elections.
Allegra Dengler
The Albany Bill That Might Make Or Break Every Issue You Care About
Update: Since this article was published, we were very appreciative that the NYS Senate passed the Hybrid Voting Machine ban (S309B) but unfortunately the heavily lobbied Assembly did not vote it out of committee. So we are again working for legislation to protect our hand marked paper ballots as well as to have them recounted by hand in close vote margin elections and audits. Instead of progress to protect our existing system based on hand marked paper ballots, a new bill has been introduced to make things even worse. Let your NY state elected official know that you oppose S1014/A1259. which would allow audits to also be counted by machine instead of by hand.
The controversial ESS Expressvote XL has not been certified, yet. The Dominion ICX is in the process of certification. The ICX has a version that would protect the hand-marked paper ballot but another version does not.
ES&S admitted that their programming error caused some votes to be double-counted
How a Bipartisan Senate Group Addressed a Flaw Exposed by Jan. 6
Mannion beats Shiroff by 10 votes in 50th NY Senate district; judge orders election certified
A very close race in Onondaga County led to a hand count that did not change the winner but changed the final vote slightly, with some votes disqualified. "The removed votes came primarily from voters who either identified themselves (placing their initials on the ballot, for example) or made such small marks inside the oval that it wasn’t clear they even meant to cast a vote (so-called “hesitation marks.”)” "All told, that resulted in in Mannion losing 18 votes and Shiroff losing 11 votes from the recount figures.”
Too big of a job: Why Maricopa County’s ballot printers failed on Election Day
Arizona VoteBeat: “Democracy prevailed, but it’s not out of the woods.” she said. Hobbs’ gubernatorial challenger Kari Lake has refused to concede and has said she plans to file a lawsuit challenging the results. Shortly after the certification ceremony Monday, Lake shared a video on Twitter of her during an interview with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon in which she called it a “sham election” and apparently referring to Maricopa County’s printer problems.
Arizona VoteBeat: "The stakes are high for counties that rely on all parts of an electronic voting system to work perfectly in front of the voters’ eyes, from the time the voter checks in to the time the ballot is tabulated...Much can go wrong in the sensitive system. Electronic poll books with voter registration information can have connectivity problems. The power supply itself can be too weak for the printer to function properly. Humidity can alter the paper quality ahead of time. Tabulators can be programmed incorrectly, causing wide-scale ballot rejection…. And printers are known for their IT headaches.”
“A Coordinated Plan”: Election Security Coalition Calls for Federal Investigation of Trump Attorneys’ Multi-State Plot to Unlawfully Seize Voting Software
Too big of a job: Why Maricopa County’s ballot printers failed on Election Day
Arizona VoteBeat: “Democracy prevailed, but it’s not out of the woods.” she said. Hobbs’ gubernatorial challenger Kari Lake has refused to concede and has said she plans to file a lawsuit challenging the results. Shortly after the certification ceremony Monday, Lake shared a video on Twitter of her during an interview with former Trump advisor Steve Bannon in which she called it a “sham election” and apparently referring to Maricopa County’s printer problems.
Arizona VoteBeat: "The stakes are high for counties that rely on all parts of an electronic voting system to work perfectly in front of the voters’ eyes, from the time the voter checks in to the time the ballot is tabulated...Much can go wrong in the sensitive system. Electronic poll books with voter registration information can have connectivity problems. The power supply itself can be too weak for the printer to function properly. Humidity can alter the paper quality ahead of time. Tabulators can be programmed incorrectly, causing wide-scale ballot rejection…. And printers are known for their IT headaches.”
National Nightmare Election Law Case Heard by Supreme Court
…. an early morning of worry, as the U.S. Supreme Court heard Moore v. Harper. We have long warned of the dangers of this case for American elections as we know them. The dispute comes from a challenge filed by North Carolina Republicans after the state's Supreme Court nixed partisan U.S. House maps gerrymandered by the state's GOP legislature. The state court ordered new, fair maps to be drawn instead for 2022, when Republicans and Democrats would evenly split the state's 14 House Districts, winning seven seats each in the closely divided state.
The Crisis of Exit Polling and Voting Systems
Worker pleads guilty in election equipment tampering case
AP "Knisley worked to get a security badge for a man..who then used it to allow another, unauthorized person inside the room to make a copy of the election equipment hard drive during the May 2021 election equipment update…..State election officials became aware of the security breach when a photo and video of confidential voting system passwords were posted on social media and a conservative website.”