Sarah Taddeo
New York State Team,
Reports of voter intimidation are popping up nationally in the form of emails, letters or poll watchers.
New York's Attorney General Letitia James reminded voters of their rights, and what's illegal in New York when it comes to voter threats and intimidation.
If you see prohibited conduct, you can call the Attorney General's Election Protection Hotline at 1-800-771-7755 or email
With voters starting to head to the polls, Attorney General Letitia James reminded New Yorkers about what constitutes illegal coercion and intimidation around Election Day.
Under state and federal law, it is illegal for anyone to intimidate, threaten or coerce voters with the purpose of interfering with their right to vote, she said.
“The guidance we are issuing outlines basic protections for voters and serves as a warning that we will not allow anyone to hamper people's access to voting, period,” James said in a statement
The question of voter intimidation was under the spotlight in multiple states this week.
A man was charged with allegedly leaving threatening letters in mailboxes of Maryland residents who had political signs in their yards.
Tucson, Arizona, pulled police officers from security duty at early polling sites because of community complaints. The county then complained, saying voters were worried about poll watchers pestering them.
Nationally, security officials announced Wednesday that Iran and Russia had obtained U.S. voter data and were behind threatening emails to voters.
The following types of conduct could potentially constitute unlawful voter intimidation in New York, according to the New York Attorney General’s Office.
Individuals or groups patrolling outside of polling places and trying to scare people out of the voting line.
Poll watchers inside a polling place aggressively challenging large groups of voters, leading to long lines and creating false fears that voters may be illegally voting.
Poll watchers standing in the vicinity of privacy booths, standing in unauthorized areas, videotaping and/or photographing voters within the polling place and following or harassing voters in the polling place.
Individuals spreading false rumors or making false statements that there are negative consequences to voting.
Individuals or groups displaying weapons or foreign military uniforms or other military paraphernalia outside of polling locations.
Behavior that has been found to constitute voter intimidation under federal law in the past includes threats of violence, eviction or business boycott against voters or publicly disseminating individuals’ names and addresses, or “doxing,” in an effort to vilify people for voting or their voting choices.
The guidance also clarifies that the following actions are prohibited under New York state law.
State and local employees interfering with or affecting the election
A member of the United States armed forces preventing, or attempting to prevent, a voter from fully exercising their voting rights through force, threat, intimidation, or advice
Groups of people organizing as private militias without permission from the state
Open carry of handguns, or the possession of machine guns and loaded or unloaded assault weapons, as well as the use of firearms or other dangerous instruments to intimidate or harass
Invading the privacy of a voting booth used by a voter
Requiring an individual to show photo ID in order to vote
Media and press personnel are allowed to photograph or film individuals in a polling place if they have written permission from the local Board of Elections.
Individuals who observe prohibited conduct can contact the Office of the Attorney General's Election Protection Hotline at 1-800-771-7755 or email
Any incidents involving potentially dangerous conduct should be reported to local law enforcement.
Sarah Taddeo is the consumer watchdog reporter for USA Today Network's New York State Team.