Petition: Remove Wireless Modems From Voting Machines!

Secure our Elections! Remove Wireless Modems From Voting Machines
Adversaries of democracy are trying to compromise our elections. In 2016, Russian intelligence agents gained access to local election board networks. These attacks have continued. We must fortify our systems.

Many election jurisdictions have purchased voting systems with wireless modems under false representations from the vendors who claimed that the modems don't connect to the internet. This is untrue. These modems directly connect election systems to the internet, exposing election infrastructure to cyber-attacks.

We must take every precaution to protect our election systems and not expose them to hackers. We can report election results safely, securely, and quickly without wireless modems. Yet, some states still use this insecure practice. This must stop.

Sign the petition to tell election officials we must remove the modems from our voting machines.