When are the primary elections?
Primary elections are June 23, but party members can vote early and, because of the coronavirus outbreak, may also vote by mail by requesting, then mailing in, an absentee ballot.
Early in-person voting will take place at designated locations from June 13 until 21.
Polls on June 23 will be open from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m.
How do I vote by mail?
Eligible voters should have already received an application for absentee ballots with a postage paid envelope. Applicants should mark “temporary illness” as their reason for requesting the ballot in Box 1.
The application must be mailed to and received by the Board of Elections by June 16.
Voters must mail their completed ballot, postmarked no later than June 23 and received by the board no later than June 30.
If you live in Westchester and should’ve received a ballot but haven’t yet, call the local board at 914-995-5285.
Election 2020: We might not know who wins June 23 primaries for weeks
Like a lot of other problems this year, you can blame COVID-19.
Mark Lungariello
Rockland/Westchester Journal News
And the winner is… we don’t know yet.
With an expected surge in mail-in votes for the June 23 primaries, it could be weeks before a winner is decided in some races.
Candidates have been pushing toward Primary Day for months, even as the coronavirus outbreak and economic shutdown have changed the mechanics of campaigning. But that night could be a little anticlimactic.
“It probably won’t be over then,” said Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, Democratic chairwoman of the Rockland County Board of Elections. “We may not know the answer for probably two weeks.”
All Election Night results are unofficial, but the initial counts usually give an indication of who will be the eventual, certified winner. Mail ballots are usually few enough that they won’t sway the result but this year election officials will have to count more mail votes. A lot more.
Reggie LaFayette, Democratic election commissioner in Westchester, said he thought having counts to drag out weeks was not likely but near certain. It’s tough to say how long a result would be delayed, LaFayette said, because it depends on the number of votes, how close a result is and if there are any court challenges.
“That’s not a question we can really answer,” he said.
In most years, people can apply for an absentee ballot and check a box explaining why they can’t vote in person. This year, every eligible voter was mailed an absentee application with paid postage, and they don’t need a reason beyond concerns over COVID-19.
As of the end of last week, Rockland had received 10,000 applications for absentees, Stavisky said. By comparison, the 2016 Democratic presidential primary had just under 30,000 votes in total.
Absentee ballots must be counted by law if they are postmarked by June 23 and received by June 30, a full week after elections. If there’s a close election, or a result ends up in court, it may be weeks before even unofficial results are clear.
Adam Schleifer, one of seven candidates in a Democratic primary to replace retiring Rep. Nita Lowey, said campaigns have to expect the unexpected. But this year the coronavirus outbreak changed the entire process of campaigning, and world-changing events came in quick succession with the economic downturn and social unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd.
“I think this time it’s been the unexpected cubed maybe or squared at least,” Schleifer said. The good thing, he said, is that this year may be a first step to increase voter turnouts in the country. Schleifer has campaigned on ending the electoral college and offering a $50 tax credit for people who vote in federal elections.
Mark Jaffe, one of five Westchester Democrats running in a primary for the New York State Assembly’s 93rd District, said higher turnout would be worth the wait.
“Getting more people participating in an election, being safe is a good thing,” Jaffe, of West Harrison, said.
The increased participation creates one more unknown factor in counting votes.
The typical thinking on absentee ballots is that they reflect the in-person vote. Election and campaign officials say if the in-person vote breaks 60-40, the absentees reflect roughly the same percentages. No one knows if that’ll be the case this year with the unprecedented number of absentee voting.
Jaffe noted that even in normal voting years, some race results can drag out for weeks. The 2000 presidential election went all the way to the Supreme Court, he said.
Schleifer, the congressional candidate, compared the primary to other uncertainties in life. His wife is due to give birth to the couple’s first child in late August, but of course no one can be sure when the baby will arrive.
“I guess I’m thinking that the election results are the second most exciting thing that I’m waiting for that I don’t know exactly when I’ll get the results on,” he said.
Mark Lungariello covers government and politics. Follow him on Facebook @lungariello and Twitter @marklungariello.
A voter casts his ballot on Election Day at Living Christ Church polling station in South Nyack Nov. 5, 2019. Tania Savayan/The Journal News