From MoveOn: Sign the pledge to protect the results

Dear MoveOn member,

Donald Trump's re-election prospects are plummeting. A poll conducted after his unhinged debate performance showed him trailing Biden by 14 points—and that was before news that he had contracted COVID after months of flouting rudimentary safety measures like mask-wearing.1

If Trump can't win the election, his path to hold on to power would be to attempt to ignore the democratic vote and overturn the election results. 

But here's the thing: Donald Trump doesn't get to decide who our next president is. We do. People are already voting by the millions across the country (including by mail!).2 It is critical that everyone vote and that we vote as early as possible. It is also equally important that we demand that every vote be counted.

Can you sign up to Protect the Results and commit to taking nonviolent action if Trump seeks to overthrow the will of the people?

At last week's debate Donald Trump again failed to clear the most basic bar of democratic leadership: He refused to honor the will of the people in the election's outcome.3 He knows that people voting early in this election are less likely to support him, so he is trying to delegitimize our votes.

Fortunately, the outcome of the election isn't up to Donald Trump. It's up to us. MoveOn members like you are giving our all to win this election. And Trump knows that. He knows that if we all come together, he's going to lose—so he's desperately posturing to sow confusion.

Together, we're stronger than Trump. That's why, in addition to our full-throttled get-out-the-vote effort over the next 27 days, we are also committed to safeguarding our democracy in case Trump refuses to accept defeat. Can you sign up with Protect the Results and commit to taking nonviolent action if Trump seeks to block our votes or deny the election results?

MoveOn is joining Indivisible, Stand Up America, the Service Employees International Union, United We Dream Action, Sierra Club, among more than 100 other partners, in a concerted effort to protect the results, because we know Trump is desperate not to be revealed for what he is, a loser who is incapable of being the president we need—and we have to be just as determined and prepared to protect the outcome of the record-high voting we'll see this year.

Trump's comments at the debate are only the latest evidence that he is flailing as he sees the increasing energy to get him out of office—from the hundreds of thousands of people newly registered to vote to the widespread acknowledgement of his failures on COVID-19 and the economy to the record turnout in early voting in states where people are already casting their ballots.4,5,6 Polls following the debate showed him struggling further, and through his COVID-19 infection so far, he's shown he will continue to be erratic and dangerous in his words and actions.

We have the power to defeat him and elect a new president and Senate that will move us forward together. We're mobilizing MoveOn members across the country to generate massive turnout over the next 27 days in order to win by a commanding margin. Our vote is power, and they fear that power, which is why they are trying so hard to stop us and plant the idea that Trump gets to decide whose votes count.

So even as you give your all over the next 27 days to get out the vote, and as you push the Senate to stop Trump from ramming through a Supreme Court nominee (including demanding Democrats use every tool they have to stall this blitz), you can also make a plan for November 4 to protect the results.

Sign up for Protect the Results now to commit to joining a local action near you after November 3 to make sure that everyone is counted.

People everywhere are preparing to overcome Trump's antidemocratic ambitions. Eleven Democratic governors, including the governors of battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, have already responded to Trump's effort to undermine democracy, by committing to ensure that every vote cast in their states is counted.7 But we've got to do our part, from now until the election is called, to make sure that everyone votes and that those votes, not Trump himself, decide the next president. 

Thanks for all you do.

–David, Mana, Chloe, Justin, and the rest of the team

P.S. Like we said, before we worry about protecting results, we have to achieve the results we want by getting everyone we know to be a voter! Sign up to be a Vote Mobilizer today to help make sure your friends and family members in key states are voters. 


1. "Biden's national lead over Trump jumps to 14 points after debate in NBC News/WSJ Poll," NBC News, October 4, 2020

2. "More than 3 million general election ballots cast so far in November election," CNN, October 6, 2020

3. "'I hope it's a fair election': Trump won't commit to not declaring election win prematurely," USA Today, September 30, 2020

4. "Texas Sets Voter Registration Record: 1.5 Million Have Signed Up Since 2016," Texas Standard, September 23, 2020

5. "How Trump let Covid-19 win," Vox, September 22, 2020

6. "Early voting turnout hits record numbers in Virginia," The Washington Post, September 23, 2020

7. "Whitmer, Democratic governors: If Trump loses the election, 'he must leave office,'" The Detroit News, September 30, 2020