OCTOBER 9 – THIS FRIDAY - The last day to register to vote if you want to vote in this year’s Presidential election.
If you still need to register to vote, you can do so electronically by clicking here. You can check your registration status here.
OCTOBER 27 – The last day to send an absentee ballot request for this year’s Presidential election.
You can request an Absentee ballot in any of the following ways:
Submit your request electronically through the New York State Absentee Ballot Application Portal
By sending an email request to BOE-WestAbsentee@westchestergov.com
By sending a fax request to (914) 995-7753 or (914) 995-3190
By going in-person to the Westchester County Board of Elections, 25 Quarropas Street, White Plains, NY 10601
By mailing a paper application (which can be downloaded here in English, Spanish and other languages) to the Westchester County Board of Elections, 25 Quarropas Street, White Plains, NY 10601
By telephoning a request to the Westchester Board of Elections office by calling (914) 995-5285 or (914) 995-5291
Given mail delays, everyone is encouraged to request and return their absentee ballots as early as possible. You can also request an absentee ballot in person at the Board of Elections up until November 2 (25 Quarropas Street, White Plains, NY 10601).
NOTE: If you requested an Absentee Ballot for the Primary because of Covid, you may have received an envelope from the BOE this summer which included an Absentee Ballot application for the General Election. This envelope did not include an Absentee Ballot. If you think you received an Absentee Ballot this summer, please check now.
NOVEMBER 3 – The last day your Absentee Ballot can be Postmarked and count.
Absentee ballots can also be returned at polling locations during Early Voting and on Election Day, November 3, or can be hand delivered to the Board of Elections up until November 3 at 25 Quarropas Street in White Plains.