COMMENT: The Brindisi-Tenney election is yet another New York election where the true winner will never be known. The ballots are not 100% hand-counted. The disputed affidavit and absentee ballots are the only ballots to see the light of day. The votes fed into the scanners in early voting and on election day were counted by the scanners. There is no evidence that the scanners counted accurately. The good news is that the governor signed a bill taking effect in 2021 that would require an automatic 100% recount in races as close as this one. The bad news is that the election law also allows the recount to be done on scanners. Allegra Dengler
2020 US Senate Elections Exit Polls
TDMS|RESEARCH "The fact that for the 2016 Republican Party primaries the vote counts matched the exit polls—with most misses within the margin of error for the polls and randomly distributed for and against candidate Trump—provide evidence that exit polls can be highly accurate….The United States remains one of the few major democracies in the world that continue to allow computerized vote counting—not observable by the public—to determine the results of its elections. Countries such as Germany, Norway, Netherlands, France, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and many other countries protect the integrity and trust of their elections with publicly observable hand-counting of paper ballots.”
Nightmare Presidential Scenarios Averted; Election Reforms Still Needed
Goldfeder: " Fortunately, the so-called nightmare scenarios that I and others incessantly wrote about[1] for the last two years ultimately did not come to pass,...It is worth reviewing the salient legal issues, though, to focus our attention on how we might reform the pertinent laws. After that, I will address a few of the more problematic New York election law issues…...Closer to Home, New York Remains a Minefield for Candidates and Voters...New Yorkers deserve a simpler, fairer and more efficient electoral system."
Why Do So Many Americans Think the Election Was Stolen?
COMMENT: There’s another category of election skeptics, the show-me people like me. Why should we believe the results? Why should we trust technology to count our votes? Prove to us that the results were accurate. Let us watch the handmarked paper ballots handcounted on election night in the polling place like most advanced democracies do. Then we’ll all have elections we can believe in.
Allegra Dengler
Calls for martial law and US military oversight of new presidential election draws criticism
"Calling former Vice President Joe Biden’s Nov. 3 victory over Trump “fraudulent,” the Ohio-based “We The People Convention” took out a full-page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday urging Trump to “immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a re-vote.” That retired military leaders would push such measures would violate their oath to the Constitution, said Risa Brooks, civil-military relations expert at Marquette University.….“As general officers, these men spent long careers committed to defending the Constitution...Calling for martial law and a suspension of the Constitution is a direct violation of their oath to uphold it.””
12 Votes Separated These House Candidates. Then 55 Ballots Were Found.
"The election in New York’s 22nd Congressional District has underscored the perils of New York’s opaque and decentralized approach to administering elections, issues exacerbated in a race with razor-thin margins….The next hearing is scheduled for Monday in Oswego County, and the case could drag on if the judge orders local election boards to re-canvass the ballots. The judge could also approve a full manual recount, which isn’t triggered automatically in New York. (A new state law requiring recounts in races where the margin is 0.5 percent or less goes into effect next year.)”
Trump Delivers a 46-Minute Diatribe on the ‘Rigged’ Election
President Trump on Wednesday released a 46-minute videotaped speech that denounced a “rigged” election and was filled with lies the day after his own attorney general joined election officials across the country in attesting to his defeat.
Georgia’s Hand Count of 2020 ballots was No Risk-Limiting Audit
“..If this was an audit done under Georgia’s audit law, it can’t change the outcome. Therefore, by definition, it is not a risk-limiting audit, because it cannot limit the risk of certifying a wrong outcome unless it can correct the outcome. By definition, their process did not address the risk people that care about.”
Entire NY State elections regime needs overhaul, Suffolk’s Bellone says
After Trump tweets Defcon hacking video, voting security experts call BS
One big flaw in how Americans run elections
[Comment: This is a time of great distrust in our elections. Trump supporters believe there was widespread “voter fraud” and that their candidate did not lose. Democrats are looking suspiciously at Senate and House results and are wondering how they lost down ballot races, suspecting election fraud, especially with the computerized vote count. Democracy can’t thrive without trust in elections. Allegra Dengler]
Zetter: "Without mechanisms to support election integrity, many things can undermine it — even something as basic as public perceptions. Candidates who ask for recounts often get labeled sore losers, and election integrity activists who seek investigations of irregularities are often mocked as conspiracy theorists. (Stein’s critics accused her of pursuing her recount effort as a fundraising ploy, and Trump dismissed it as a “scam.”) Meanwhile, the public and the news media tend to lose interest in elections once the horse race is done, especially if the victory margin is wide — even if that allows systemic problems to go unaddressed.”
2020 Exit Polls Versus Machine Counts
Quote by Nate Silver:
“Nate Silver said he found it “a bit concerning” that there have now been significant polling misses “in the same direction” not only in 2016 and 2020 but also in the 2014 midterms (though not in 2018).”
Nate Silver to FiveThirtyEight Critics: 'F**k You, We Did a Good Job'
By Matt Wilstein, The Daily Beast
05 November 20
...Silver also pointed out that the only state where Biden led in the final polling averages and lost at this point was Florida, with North Carolina likely to follow. And Silver said he found it “a bit concerning” that there have now been significant polling misses “in the same direction” not only in 2016 and 2020 but also in the 2014 midterms (though not in 2018).
The Polls Underestimated Trump — Again. Nobody Agrees on Why.
Maybe the polls were right. The only way to know if the vote totals, counted by computerized voting machines, are correct is to handcount 100% of ballots handmarked by the voter. Every US Senate race in the country should be 100% audited, counted by hand, to check on the accuracy of the vote count. Scanners are just as hackable as touchscreens. Our elections have been privatized by reliance on voting machine vendors who won't even disclose who owns them. It's past time to let voters have a look at the vote count of actual ballots to see for themselves who the people really voted for.
Election Day Mayhem Began Two Years Ago With Massive Voter Purges
You didn’t hear this in the cable TV chatter: In the two years leading up to this election, Georgia’s GOP secretary of state quietly wiped away the voter registrations of 198,351 voters — based on false information.
Call it "The Great Purge" — overwhelmingly wiping away the voting rights of young voters and voters of color. In other words, voters who might be more likely to vote blue.
Georgia election official: Machine glitch caused by last-minute vendor upload
Forget Hanging Chads. Copyright Laws Could be the Next Electoral Quagmire.
Why Are Lines at Polling Places So Long? Math
"Keeping people from voting is suppression—whether it comes from literacy tests, men with guns, or just making things damn inconvenient. This is the raw logistics of democracy, the stuff that happens at the county and precinct level that determines the outcomes of American elections. So of course it goes awry. Like, all the time….One way to understand why people sometimes wait a long time to vote is by using a field of math called queueing theory. But to understand what causes the queues … ah, well, that fault lies along other lines..“Balking” is when people see how long a line is and decide not to bother; “reneging” is getting in line and then bailing out because the wait is too long….”
All In: The Fight for Democracy
The Voting News: DHS plans largest-ever operation to secure U.S. election against hacking |The Washington Post
With voting in the 2020 election well underway across the country, Americans are anxious to make sure their choices are counted with as few problems as possible. Despite the mail-in and early voting processes appearing to go smoothly for the vast majority of people, there have been reports circulating on social media (as there have been in other election cycles) that have raised concerns.