On today's BradCast: Election 2020 is coming down to the wire, with the deadline for voting just days away and no small amount of chaos unleashed on the entire process by federal courts over the past several days. While the U.S. Supreme Court has invoked their so-called "Purcell Principle" in recent years, to prevent last-minute changes to even bad, suppressive election laws in order to avoid chaos, both SCOTUS and lower federal courts have been busy this week invoking invoking election chaos in several key battleground states. [Audio link to full show posted at bottom of summary.]
New York State law: 9 NYCRR 6210.19 (d) (1) expressly requires “[i]f the voter waiting time at an early voting site exceeds 30 minutes the Board of Elections shall deploy such additional voting equipment, election workers and other resources necessary to reduce the wait time to less than 30 minutes as soon as possible but no later than the beginning of the next day of early voting.”
How to Steal an Election
NYTimes: How to Steal an Election: "“majority manufacturers” .. laid out two paths for stealing elections — steal the cast or steal the count...“Stealing the cast” on Election Day was a lot of work, much of it illegal and confrontational. “Stealing the count” was easier.
...In the 1876 election, while the Democrats decisively won the popular vote, Republican-controlled returning boards in disputed states used fraud, bribery and the U.S. Army to steal the count….To figure out who would win an election, wrote a furious Democrat watching Republicans inaugurate President “Ruther-fraud” B. Hayes, you needn’t predict the future: “You need only to know what kind of scoundrels constitute the returning boards.”
...perhaps all of this anxiety will focus our wandering attention back to neglected electoral practices, as it did after 1890. How elections work — once a powerfully unsexy topic — may well attract the vital interest of activists, donors and students once again"
[Comment: This interesting article talks about the history of “stealing the cast” - voter suppression, post office disruption, etc. It is silent on “Stealing the count” since the introduction of electronic voting machines and pollbooks. Since reform efforts after 1890 led to great reduction in voter fraud , it is almost non-existent today. On the other hand, election fraud in this electronic era is alive and well. Allegra Dengler]
Heading to the polls? Know your rights and what is illegal in New York
Reports of voter intimidation are popping up nationally in the form of emails, letters or poll watchers.
New York's Attorney General Letitia James reminded voters of their rights, and what's illegal in New York when it comes to voter threats and intimidation.
If you see prohibited conduct, you can call the Attorney General's Election Protection Hotline at 1-800-771-7755 or email election.hotline@ag.ny.gov.
Russians Who Pose Election Threat Have Hacked Nuclear Plants and Power Grid
12 Cyber Threats That Could Wreak Havoc on the Election
Wednesday night, at a brief, hastily arranged press conference at FBI headquarters, four top US national security officials announced solemnly that they had evidence that two foreign adversaries, Iran and Russia, had obtained US voter data and appeared to be trying to spread disinformation about the election.
It was the latest—and most troubling—episode in a week that has seen near-daily events set off potential alarms about how the US will hold up on and approaching Election Day. In the final hours last Tuesday before the voter registration deadline in Virginia, an accidentally cut fiber-optic cable knocked out access to the state registration portal. The next morning, the New York Post published an odd, inconsistent, and poorly sourced story about Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian energy company Burisma that reeked of a ham-handed information operation. A day later came an extended outage of Twitter. Neither the Virginia cable cutting nor the Twitter outage was nefarious, though US officials continue to argue over the origins of the Burisma leaks
.This week, voters in states like Alaska and Florida began reporting threatening emails, purportedly from the white supremacist group Proud Boys, saying that the targeted Democratic voters should support Donald Trump—or else. National security officials soon confirmed that the emails appeared to originate with Iran—a revelation that led to Wednesday’s press conference.
FBI director Christopher Wray used the event to highlight how united and focused the nation’s security leadership is on protecting the election. “We are not going to let our guard down,” Wray said. Yet the emails and other episodes suggest that the presidential election is sure to be filled with more unexpected surprises and tense moments—and served as reminders of the myriad ways that the election could go wrong in the remaining weeks, days, and hours of the campaign.
Interviews and conversations with numerous election, law enforcement, and intelligence personnel over the last year have highlighted a dozen specific scenarios that particularly worry them as Election Day nears. The concerns roughly break down into two categories: technical attacks on data or access and online information operations.
61 Forms of voter suppression
Voting by mail in New York? Avoid these mistakes to ensure your vote counts
LOHUD: "Your absentee ballot will come with a return envelope, a security envelope and the ballot itself.
The instructions with your ballot will tell you to do the following, according to the state Board of Elections:
Complete your ballot by filling in the bubble of your candidate of choice in each election. Make sure to pay attention to the instructions for each individual race on your ballot.
Fold the completed ballot and put it in the security envelope. (The security envelope is the one with a place for your signature.)
Sign and date the security envelope in the space designated for the voter's signature. (If you didn't require assistance to complete your ballot, you can ignore the other signature slot.)
Seal the security envelope. (This is important!)
Put the security envelope in the return envelope, which is the one that is addressed to your local board of elections. The return envelope should also be marked "Official Election Mail."
Seal the return envelope.
Return your ballot in the envelopes by mailing it in — make sure you apply a stamp! — or bringing it in person to your county board of elections office, an early voting site or an Election Day poll site.
Meet the deadlines”
Amid fears of Election Day chaos, one county prepares for anxious days after the vote
Washington Post: "the anxiety level is through the roof…..There’s fear of neighbors: On Election Day, self-appointed guardians armed with assault weapons plan to take up positions outside local polling places. There’s fear of outsiders: A Ku Klux Klan group from out of state recently dropped racist fliers on the driveways of some homes with Biden signs on the lawns. And there’s fear of what’s coming Nov. 3: The county sheriff doesn’t have nearly enough deputies to keep eyes on all 149 polls....election officials in 3,141 counties must tally local ballots, a process that could be unusually lengthy this year, creating an opportunity for those who want to question or alter the outcome.”
The Election That Could Break America
The Atlantic: The Election That Could Break America
If the vote is close, Donald Trump could easily throw the election into chaos and subvert the result. Who will stop him?
Key Points:
"Legal teams on both sides are planning for simultaneous litigation, on the scale of Florida during the 2000 election, in multiple battleground states...Rival slates of electors could hold mirror-image meetings in Harrisburg, Lansing, Tallahassee, or Phoenix, casting the same electoral votes on opposite sides. ...This would be a genuine constitutional crisis, the first but not the last of the Interregnum. “Then we get thrown into a world where anything could happen,” Norm Ornstein says.
...Sixty-four days have passed since the election. Stalemate reigns. Two weeks remain until Inauguration Day...foley, who foresaw this impasse, knows of no solution. He cannot tell you how we avoid it under current law, or how it ends. It is not so much, at this point, a question of law. It is a question of power. Trump has possession of the White House. How far will he push boundaries to keep it, and who will push back? It is the same question the president has posed since the day he took office….
"The worst case for an orderly count is also considered by some election modelers the likeliest: that Trump will jump ahead on Election Night, based on in-person returns, but his lead will slowly give way to a Biden victory as mail-in votes are tabulated. ...The turbulence of that interval, fed by street protests, social media, and Trump’s desperate struggles to lock in his lead, can only be imagined. “Any scenario that you come up with will not be as weird as the reality of it,” the Trump legal adviser said….
"Suppose that caravans of Trump supporters, adorned in Second Amendment accessories, converge on big-city polling places on Election Day. They have come, they say, to investigate reports on social media of voter fraud. Counterprotesters arrive, fistfights break out, shots are fired, and voters flee or cannot reach the polls….
"Right now, the best we can do is an ad hoc defense of democracy. Begin by rejecting the temptation to think that this election will carry on as elections usually do. Something far out of the norm is likely to happen. Probably more than one thing. Expecting otherwise will dull our reflexes. It will lull us into spurious hope that Trump is tractable to forces that constrain normal incumbents.
If you are a voter, think about voting in person after all.
How safe are your election ballots? Here's what you need to know
"In New York, a legal settlement this year between the state Board of Elections and the League of Women Voters requires counties to allow voters to fix certain mistakes before ballots are counted. "If there's an issue with your signature or you didn't seal your inner envelope or if you forgot to sign, those are all now curable issues in New York state," said Jennifer Wilson, deputy director of the League of Women Voters' New York chapter....In New York, each county handles the counting of absentees on their own, but days after Election Day."
Consider this fun scenario…
"Consider this fun scenario……PA's GOP legislature will agree with Trump, of course, and because we can't know if the Philly vote count is any way accurate, they move to award PA's electoral votes to Trump.”
[ “BMD”s" discussed here are ballot marking devices like the Dominion ICE that Westchester just purchased and the Expressvote XL that the NYS Board of Elections is in the process of certifying. NYS’s own expert reported that the ICE was “low probability, high impact” but they certified itn anyway. And Westchester bought it anyway. It’s only “low probablitly", what could go wrong? Do we all just cross our fingers? Allegra Dengler]
From NYDLC: How to save democracy? A task for every comfort zone...
This advice from the New York Democratic Lawyers Council:
We are really in the thick of it now, right?
It's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work to do, and this year adds another layer to the complex question of, "How best to help?," in the form of, adhering to the health, safety, and social distancing regimen that is best for each of us.
If it all has you stressed out - this is the email you've been waiting for!
This is my top-line report about THE most important thing you can be doing to protect voters, save democracy, and elect democrats up-and-down the ballot - from any level of social distance!
What to do...
NYDLC call for volunteers to advance the rights of voters
The New York Democratic Lawyers Council has opportunities for training and volunteering to protect the vote, both in New York or travel to other states. You don’t have to be a lawyer to volunteer (Although if you are, CLE credits are available.)
Demand Respect for Results
Albany Times Union
October 5, 2020
By Jerry H. Goldfeder and Lincoln A. Mitchell
…"Despite increasingly provocative rhetoric from the president, we hope our historical traditions will carry the day. Unfortunately, we may have to guarantee their continuation through action beyond voting - to peaceably assemble throughout the country, in all state capitals and major cities, with a simple, yet profound, message: support democracy, count the votes, respect the outcome.“
From MoveOn: Sign the pledge to protect the results
Important Voting Deadlines
America May Need International Intervention
New York Times: "Democrats must now win the popular vote by three, four or even five percentage points to be assured of winning the Electoral College. They must achieve that margin in the face of a strenuous Republican effort to ensure that many Democratic ballots are not counted. And even if they overcome both of those obstacles, Mr. Trump may still not concede….After observing America’s 2018 midterm elections, a team from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe....concluded that, in critical ways, American elections “contravene ...international standards with regard to universal and equal suffrage.”
How We’ll Know the Election Wasn’t Rigged
Comment by Dan Wolf "While writing an otherwise fine article, Lily Hay Newman gets an important distinction wrong: that between election fraud and voter fraud….Voter fraud is rare.. But the headline is misleading, and the implicit confidence in our elections that Ms Newman displays is misplaced, because election fraud is very definitely on the list of legitimate concerns.”
Voting lawsuits pile up across US as election approaches
AP "Measuring the anxiety over the November election is as simple as tallying the hundreds of voting-related lawsuits filed across the country in recent months. The cases concern the fundamentals of the American voting process, including how ballots are cast and counted, during an election made unique by the coronavirus pandemic and by a president who refuses to commit to accepting the results.”
[New York may not be a swing state, but NY election laws make NY ripe for election challenges and chaos due to lack of any automatic path to a 100% hand count. Legislators at the state and county level have done little to prepare for the chaos if this November election is close. This includes local races, such as Harckham-Astorino. Needed-automatic 100% handcount if an election is close. Without it, we are in the courts for weeks or months if the vote is close. Allegra Dengler]