Comment: It’s not the candidate that lost here, but the 2400 voters whose applications were not processed, and all the voters who will never know if their ballots were accurately counted by the scanners.
Allegra Dengler
Syracuse: "“I hope some higher authority comes in and investigates what I think is a massive disenfranchisement of voters in the district,” Brindisi told in his first interview since conceding the election….“I hope the state investigates because there were clear violations of state and federal election laws,” Brindisi said. “The most fundamental right of Americans is the right to vote, and they were denied that by the incompetence of the Oneida County Board of Elections….Brindisi said he’s confident that he would have prevailed in the election if his request had been granted for a full, manual hand count of all ballots….DelConte denied that request. Brindisi’s last option would have been to ask the House of Representatives to intervene and conduct a recount under the Federal Contested Elections Act.”